
Hope Foundation

To serve with a gentle and compassionate heart to lift up the downtrodden and bring true transformation to individuals leading to empowered,  Depression-free and healthy communities. 

Catherine Hope Foundation (CHF) opened the Catherine Hope Center on August 1st, 2021 to empower the differently-abled, poor children, widows and vulnerable women from Ennore and Ernavur.

The Center at present holds tuition for children who have had a long gap in education due to various reasons such as the lack of smartphones/ gadgets to attend online classes, books, and money to pay the fees. We have volunteers and three full-time staff to take care of the children at the Center.

We aim to aid in the holistic development of children. Hence, apart from handling tuition for mainstream subjects; we have compulsory reading time, spoken English lessons, interactive educational games, counseling, music classes, and other interesting tasks that instil a sense of responsibility to help their community.

The Center also aims to help the differently-abled community in the area. We have and will continue to identify the specific needs of the individuals and provide the required help to uplift their living conditions. Our priority is to first help them receive the disability certificate from the Government to avail themselves of the benefits.

Our Key Focus Areas


CHF is committed to improve the living conditions of people with disabilities especially from poor..

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After a cancer diagnosis, life changes. Catherine was just fourteen when cancer struck her.

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According to WHO, globally, more than 264 million people of all ages suffer from depression.

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About us
Catherine Hope Foundation

Catherine Hope Foundation (CHF) is an initiative anchored with the motto Serve with Love to Empower to help the differently-abled, cancer warriors and people struggling with depression. It is founded by Selvinson and Graciana in loving memory of their eldest daughter Catherine who lost her life at the age of 17 after a fierce battle with cancer.

As Richelle E. Goodrich has rightly said, “Every birthday celebrates a life because every life is important”, we at CHF, encourage every individual to garner all the passion, power and purpose inside, so that they can love, live and work to their full potential, just like Catherine did.

The core principle of our work is based on the three-pronged approach of Serve, Love and Empower. We aim at serving those in need with a love beyond our natural abilities to empower them for a brighter future.

CHF combats three main issues -



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Our Beneficiaries
Serve with love to empower that is the motto of CHF; and empowering all beneficiaries is our final goal. The differently-abled in the rural parts of India do not have the facilities and opportunities that are available in urban cities. The same way, due to lack of resources, we find poor cancer patients from the interior parts of India, who have come for treatment to the big cities pitching their tents on the streets and living in pitiable conditions. Our programs aim to relieve some of the burdens of the differently-abled, the destitute cancer patients and people struggling with depression.

Housing for the disabled

Grocery distribution to people with disabilities

Financial aid to cancer patients








Be a Part of us
Why be a part of us?

Our heart lies in serving the differently-abled, cancer warriors and the depressed with love to empower them for a brighter future. Everybody is entitled to a life of dignity and respect. If you have always wanted to come forward and support such a cause, what better time than now!
You can
· Volunteer with us
· Intern with us
· Sponsor through us